Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Since August 29th, 2012 is the day that would've been his 54th b-day. I figure it's time that I talk about how Michael Jackson inspire me in many ways. Well, for Michael Jackson being a great inspiration to all of us, he is one of the main inspirations in my life that got me into dancing. His creativity is ALWAYS out of this world and keeps us entertained from beginning to end. Also, his songs are timeless. Every time we listen to them, we feel like we are listening to a brand new song. It's like a breath of fresh air. Ever since his death on June 25th, 2009, I feel that losing him was like losing an important figure in today's society. Be that as if may, I feel like every time I listen to Michael's music and watch him dance, I feel like I embody his essence. Michael Jackson will ALWAYS AND FOREVER be legendary and inspirational. His spirit and legacy will live on forever. R.I.P Michael and Happy Birthday!

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