Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Since August 29th, 2012 is the day that would've been his 54th b-day. I figure it's time that I talk about how Michael Jackson inspire me in many ways. Well, for Michael Jackson being a great inspiration to all of us, he is one of the main inspirations in my life that got me into dancing. His creativity is ALWAYS out of this world and keeps us entertained from beginning to end. Also, his songs are timeless. Every time we listen to them, we feel like we are listening to a brand new song. It's like a breath of fresh air. Ever since his death on June 25th, 2009, I feel that losing him was like losing an important figure in today's society. Be that as if may, I feel like every time I listen to Michael's music and watch him dance, I feel like I embody his essence. Michael Jackson will ALWAYS AND FOREVER be legendary and inspirational. His spirit and legacy will live on forever. R.I.P Michael and Happy Birthday!

Monday, August 13, 2012


THIS IS IT!  The beginning of a NEW journey for me.  August 13th, 2012 is the day I started my Senior year in college.  It's like a bittersweet moment for me.  Coming so far in life and my education.  When I look back, I look back on how I've grown up SO MUCH.  My demeanor on life is always positive and cheerful.  I feel very close to the people I love and know throughout my years living int his world and I thank God for every, single opportunity he has granted me.  Without him, who knows where I'll be at this point.  Be that as if may, my last year at St. Catharine College will be a challenge, but knowing me, I'm always up for a challenge and never back down from it.  These last two semesters for me are like a turning point.  It's like I'm nearly close to that brass ring and never letting go of it.  All I know is that this remaining year and coming up in 2013, I will do everything in my power to remain successful and FLAWLESS!  When I want people to look back at my legacy, I want people to look at me and a great friend, a role model and a great person.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Chik Fil-A Controversy

In my personal belief, I think this whole Chik Fil-A thing is getting out of hand.  As many of y'all know me, I'm all for gay rights, equal right for all people, and expressing yourselves, but this while Dan Cathy not supporting gay marriage is too much.  Ever since August 1st, 2012, fans were showing their appreciation by flocking to Chik-fil-A restaurants all over the country to show their support by buying their food, and you have those people who disagree with Chick-fil-A's decision by not supporting gay marriage who protest against it.  I applaud the ones who are taking a stand against, but at the same thing why are we fighting for?  Just let those bigoted people ruin their lives by letting them believe what's on their mind.  We must eliminate the bigotry in our lives and we can all live in harmony together

Saturday, July 28, 2012


A lot of y'all been wondering why I love dance so much and what it means to me.  Well, I'm here to talk about how I first got into dance and what dance means to me.  When I was 3 years old, it was the very first time I saw Janet Jackson's Rhythm Nation video and I was amaze by it, I try to repeat the choreography, but  to no avail, but I enjoyed it so much that I was jumping up and down.  later on in my younger years, When I was in the fifth grade, I got to experienced something that I've never experienced before at 10 years old: My first school dance. The only problem was that I COULDN'T DANCE! To help with that problem, I ask my older brother Darvell to show me a couple dance moves the day before the dance. He showed me and I picked it up REAL easy. The night of my very first school dance, I didn't know what to expect. When I got to my school gym where the dance was held, I see my friends dancing, talking and having a good time. The music was thumping and it was so addicting, I wanted to dance, so I did. All of my friends were So impressed with my dancing, they wanted more of it. After the dance was over, I had such a great time, bringing a smile on my friends' faces, I've realized that I wanna to become a dancer/entertainer when I grow up.  Throughout my years, there had been so many that inspired me to become a dancer, like Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, Usher, Wade Robson, Mia Michaels, Laurie Ann Gibson, Twitch, Debbie Allen, etc.  They give me inspiration to become a better dancer and person in life.  Dancing is a way that to let out your emotions and tell stories by movements that will amaze people.  That's why dance means SO MUCH to me :)  I LOVE U ALL!!  XOXO


Monday, July 23, 2012

The Aurora Shooting

July 20th was supposed to be all happiness and joy for all moviegoers going to see the latest Batman movie "The Dark Knight Rises," but one man decided to change all that on the night is July 20th, 2012.  The culprit, James Holmes came in the Century 16 movie theater, walked in front of the movie screen during the movies, set off tear gas and open fire on the audience.  In the midst of this horrible shotting that shocked America and people all over the country, 12 people died and 70 were injured, making this the biggest mass shooting in U.S. history.  When I heard about this, I was shocked to the highest degree.  It's like no place is safe to go, and now a movie theater is one of those places?  It's crazy.  Movies are suppose to bring people together and have a good time, but this one man had to ruined it.  As you many of y'all know or don't know, I don't wish death on noe one, unless it's things like this.  Maybe James had no remorse on what he did, but I wish that he would get either life in prison or the death penalty.  What he did was SO EVIL, way beyond us.  And for him to claim himself as "The Joker" was crazy.  He's no Joker and I hope he doesn't think it's not a joke once he's put behind bars forever or worse.  On a lighter note, something like this is so tragic because it could've hapen to any one of us.  Tomorrow is not promised.  We gotta live each day like it's our last and cherish things in the world that we love the most.  I LOVE U ALL!  Keep your head up :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Welcome FLAWLESS ONES! Here's a quick intro about me and the mission of this blog/diary of mine :)

Hi everyone :) Let me take this time to introduce myself and explain my purpose I wanted to take some time in my first post to introduce myself and explain my purpose here.

My name is Keenan Wilson.  I'm an 25 year old college student studying Criminal Justice at St. Catharine College in Springfield, KY.  I love all types of food and all types of music, except country or heavy metal.  I'm a energetic, hyper, lovable, unique, and joyful person with tendencies of playful kid, along with aspiring dancer and actor.  Back in mid-April 2012, I stared a little diary counting down the days to my milestone 25th b-day on May 6th, 2012.  I wanted to give my friends a piece of my mind on how I grew up and learn about me, my struggles and accomplishments in life, and my life now, living in this big, blue earth.  With all of this inspiration, goals/dreams in my life, I figure it was time to start a blog that can bring out the voices of those people out there who feels like their voice needs to be heard, talk about inspirations in their lives, share their struggles and uplifting, positive thoughts with each other, other people, and learn about each other in the process.  Our voices will never be low brow!

I hope you guys enjoy my blog/diary and I hope it is enlightening to you :)

Twitter: @KWFlawless

Thank you SO MUCH for the Love and Support!